Accommodation terms and conditions

Article 1

(1)Accommodation contracts and related contracts that our hotel concludes with guests shall be in accordance with the provisions of these terms and conditions, and matters not stipulated in these terms and conditions shall be subject to laws and regulations or general regulations. Based on established practice.

(2)If the hotel accepts a special agreement to the extent that it does not violate laws and customs, that special agreement shall take precedence, notwithstanding the provisions of the preceding paragraph. (Application for accommodation contract)

Article 2

A person who intends to apply for an accommodation contract with this hotel must provide the following information to the hotel.
1.Guest name
2. Accommodation date and estimated time of arrival
3. Night charge (as a general rule, based on the basic accommodation charge in attached table 1)
4.Other matters deemed necessary by the hotel.
In addition to the provisions of the preceding paragraph, you also agree to the following:
1.Cancellation within 7 days is not possible. (Even if there is a cancellation due to unavoidable circumstances and the actual stay is less than 7 days, duplicate contracts will not be accepted during the contract period)
2. Residents of the facility must be able to speak Japanese or a supported foreign language.
3. Foreign nationals who do not have an address in Japan will be required to present a passport, and Japanese nationals and foreign nationals who have an address in Japan will be required to present an identification document such as a passport or driver's license.
4. Strictly observe the precautions when using the facility.
5.The types of foreign languages that can be supported are English and Chinese.
If a guest requests to continue their stay beyond the accommodation date specified in item 2 of the preceding paragraph during their stay, the hotel will treat the request as having been applied for a new accommodation contract at the time the request is made. Process. (Establishment of accommodation contract, etc.)

Article 3

The accommodation contract shall be concluded when the hotel accepts the application set forth in the preceding article. However, this does not apply if the hotel proves that it has not given consent.
When an accommodation contract is concluded pursuant to the provisions of the preceding paragraph, the hotel will specify the application fee, which is limited to the basic accommodation fee for the period of stay (or 3 days if it exceeds 3 days). Please pay by the date.
The application fee will first be applied to the accommodation fee that the guest will ultimately have to pay. In the event of cancellation, etc., it will be applied to the cancellation fee, followed by compensation, and if there is any remaining amount, it will be returned at the time of payment. To do.
If the application fee set forth in Paragraph 2 is not paid by the date specified by the Hotel pursuant to the provisions of the same Paragraph, the Accommodation Contract shall become invalid. However, this only applies if the hotel (inn) notifies the guest of this when specifying the due date for payment of the application deposit. (Special agreement that does not require payment of application fee)

Article 4

Notwithstanding the provisions of Paragraph 2 of the preceding article, the hotel may accept a special agreement in which the payment of the application fee set forth in the same paragraph is not required after the conclusion of the contract.
